Saturday, June 19, 2010


Another lineart that belongs to Koishii Kitty. THIS IS NOT MY LINEART!!!

Decided to name him Hrunting. He is Koishii's AxeHead alien species she asked me to color for her.

Color by me

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


My concept for Ammonia.

She was a genetically created creature but obviously a failed experiment. She escaped custody. boarded a shuttle into outer space and currently runs through an alien world that she hopes to call her home.

Her bones are metallic in nature and since she possesses no eyes she relies on tasting the air with tiny sensors on the end of her nose.

She can open her mouth in her neck though she rarely does so. It dislocates like a serpent's mouth. The mouth on her neck is also fully functional. It swallows the giant orb in her head if she feels threatened and when she goes to sleep.

Her tails are pure solar lights that shut off when the sun goes down. The same occurs with the smaller light orbs on her back.

The metallic arms in her sides are non-functional since she escaped before they were completed.

Despite her ferocious nature, she is very gentle and not any bigger than a large dog.

She is also capable of howling when she opens her giant mouth.

Her diet consists of small animals and fish to nuts and berries when she is capable of climbing trees. This is rare due to her lazy nature.

Do not use without my permission.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So a friend of mine on DA asked for a colored penciling of a Gryphon. I had not done a color pencil piece in some time so I chose to practice on an old piece of lineart that I had. This is Tyme *time* At first I was actually very disappointed with how he was coming out but I think in all reality he turned out relatively well.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Contest Entry

Creature concept for an entry on DA. I call him Mu-Krain. That fur was a butt to do.

Creature concept (c) TaesoSpiritDragon on DA
Art is mine

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Some line art that Koishii Kitty sent me in Gmail. When I saw this I just had to try and color him. I decided to call him Nietzhe *nee-chee*.

Art (c) Koishii Kitty
Color by Me

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Andromeda Concept Sheet

Andromeda's concept sheet. Finally finished painting this one.

Facts worth noting:
* Andromeda is primarily a space beast
* Her hands rarely leave her face as her eyes are very sensitive to any kind of light
* Her wings are metallic bone and the "feathers" (when she shows them) are rays of light in the shape of feathers

Photoshop Elements 6: about 35-40 hours

Andromeda (c) Etruscus Shadow

Disclaimer: Do not steal. I do not mind fan art but do not steal.
I do not wish to make that watermark any bigger.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Remade my Blogger to match my LJ

Finished and painted work will go here.

Sketches and works in progress will be at:

All work here is copyright Etruscus Shadow unless otherwise noted.